Run for Africa

It all began with a dream: to participate in the famous New York City marathon.
A dream that we decided to give a different meaning - to broaden it as far as possible so that it could be everyone’s dream. That is why we decided to connect our participation in the marathon with a charity, inviting all our contacts (friends, acquaintances, customers) to “bet on us” in the sense that we would be able to cross the finish line in Central Park.

Anyone could put up whichever amount they wanted, and if we weren’t able to reach our goal, that money would have been used for a benefit project. The goal of our collection was to build a school in Burundi, one of the poorest countries in the world.

The response to our request to “run with us” was incredible: many helped us reach the number needed to realize the project. This despite the fact that the 2012 New York City marathon was cancelled a few hours before its scheduled start due to the damage caused by hurricane Sandy.

In July 2013 we went to Burundi to take part in the wonderful inauguration party for the school, which can hold 1500 children and the name Cimberio is displayed on a plaque on the main wall.

Run For Africa is still running. New projects, new finish lines and other dreams are around the corner. We will reach them together - running, of course.


由Vincenzo Muccioli创立于1978年,它是在欧洲最重要和最著名的戒毒康复社区之一。坐落在风景秀丽的山丘Coriano,它已帮助约 2万人,因为它敞开了大门,为他们提供一个家,提供医疗和法律援助,在这里人们可以得到学习和接受专业培训的机会,并因此而改变这个人的一生,实现完全的返回社会.

它是目前容纳了1600成年人:康复社区的核心是由140名志愿人员,以及另外350名员工,合作者和顾问组成,其中许多人以前本身就是吸毒者. 社区还帮助员工以及进行康复治疗人员的100名孩子,另外还有严重的家庭困难和毒品问题的许多家庭以及约30名未成年人。

这里配备了有50个床位的医疗中心,专业从事与吸毒有关的疾病的研究,一个幼儿​​园,家居设施,学校和运动器材,还有一座剧院,53多个专业培训中心和实验室,有一个60个小别墅组成的村子,提供给这里的志愿工作者和正在重建家庭的人们.过去的这几年,圣帕特里尼亚诺康复社区已接收了许多被软禁的,或是保释期内的人,用为了全面康复和重新返回社会参加工作为目标的康复课程来代替多年的牢狱生活. 根据在过去13年在博洛尼亚(Bologna),乌尔比诺(Urbino)和帕维亚(Pavia)大学所做的,对参加过恢复课程的学员的进行的社会学和吸毒成瘾的研究表明,完成圣帕特里尼亚诺的课程后达到完全康复的人的百分比大于72% 。 (来源: ""). Cimberio公司和圣帕特里尼亚诺之间有深厚的友谊:社区的篮球队队员们穿着印有Cimberio字样的球衣在球场上运动,社区内健身房的镶木地板上也设计有Cimberio的标志.


由神父阿纳斯塔西奥(Anastasio Roggero)带领的来自 意大利阿雷札诺(Arenzano),捷克共和国布拉格的圣衣修士们, 不单是Cimberio的 朋友,而且是非洲和世界的朋友。

网站 圣衣会(加尔默罗修会)使命- ""