
29 апреля 2019 г.

Cimberio is looking for young employees in its Orta's lake and Artic subsidiaries

From “LA STAMPA”, Marcello Giordani

The high-tech production for its Artic base is exported to Australia and New Zeeland as well, and Cimberio looks for young people to hire in its Maurizio d’Opaglio headquarters and Oslo’s subsidiary.
The prototype created during 2016 in Andoya, the scientific base located in the north of Norway, above the Artic circle, has been definitely improved, and now it is in its fifth edition: “We started from that prototype – Renzo Cimberio says - and we developed more tools and products. Nowadays, we have already developed the fifth upgrade, and Andoya’s subsidiary is constantly improving, since it will become the European centre of all the space-probe launches”.
This last technology of valves “Made in lago d’Orta” which has been developed in the cold North of Europe, reached the opposite part of the world. These valves have been implanted both in Australia and New Zeeland: at the Blacktown Hospital in Sidney, at the Jupiters Casino in the Australian Gold Coast, at the Central Park Block 11 in Sydney, and even at the Chistschurch hospital and Star Mountain Plaza in Port Moresby, capital city of New Guinea.  “We have invested in the latest technologies – adds Cimberio – and Australian market is advantageous since it’s very open to innovations. But even if the clients are in the other part of the world, we need to be constantly available for them and offer personal follow-ups, both with specialized operators and with the management. Since we are dealing with complex implants, they need to be controlled by who designed and created them. In two weeks’ time, I will be myself in Sidney, together with specialized operators”.
Cimberio, which employs 215 and has a year-production of 22 million pieces, implements this technology in its San Maurizio d’Opaglio headquarter as well: “We’ve just completed the new area dedicated to the logistics and the warehouse by applying solutions 4.0. It means that this section of the firm it’s driven by the latest technological innovation and complete atomization of it”.
Automation doesn’t mean fewer working positions, on the opposite: “Who decides to invest in sophisticated technologies has to bear an equivalent investment in education process for the operators. New devices require an even more specialized working force; for this reason, we hired a dozen of young workers in San Maurizio d’Opaglio, and we’re expanding our personnel in Oslo’s subsidiary as well”.
Speaking of young people, Cimberio, in partnership with Ranstad, just completed an educational forum initiative in Borgomanero: thanks to 240 hours of course, 16 young unemployed, with no experience in the mechanic industry nor specific competences, became specialized operators for utensils machines, a high demanded profile in the area. Cimberio contributed to the initiative by allowing the students to acquire practical experience on both its traditional and numerically controlled lathes and cutters.
Cimberio reminds us that: “The quality of the products is due to the usage of the best-available technologies. The constant update of competences is crucial in order to reach this aim: tap and valve industry have deeply changed and it is already characterized by high technological standards. This is the best way to win over the global competition”.