Wheelchair basketball. Now Cimberio chases new goals
With the victory achieved last Saturday against Sbs Bergamo Sport, Cimberio safeguarded the second place in the ranking in A round, independently from the outcome of last contest of the first phase of the championship, that will see Varese team playing in Padova next Saturday.
It was the goal that the company of the President Carlo Marinello and his deputy Antonio Bazzi dreamed and that it was achieved, with all the opportunities that this conquest involves.
First of all, Cimberio obtained the advantage of playing the second match of play-off quarterfinal at home; these games are scheduled on 14th and 21st February against Amicacci Giulianova, third classified in B round that saw excel Santa Lucia Roma in front of Banco Sardegna Porto Torres.
The 21st February, in playoff quarter final, Cimberio will no more play in Malnate but at Pala Whirlpool, that will be the theatre also of the possible following contest in semi-final.
The second purpose achieved by Cimberio, thanks to the second place, is the qualification to the final four of Italian Cup, that will be played on 10th and 11th April and that will see also the participation of UnipolSai Briantea 84 Cantù, Santa Lucia Roma and Banco Sardegna Porto Torres.
But before the Italian Cup, there will be also the qualification group at the final stage of the so-called Eurolega 3 that will be played in Malnate the 13th and 14th March. They will be two days of “full immersion”, since the first match will start on Firday at 11.15am and the last one at 8.15pm, while the following day we will begin playing at 9am and the last match will be at 6pm.
On the field, with Cimberio, also the Greeks of Alexander the Great ’94, Poles of Iks Gtm Konstancin, the Russians of Krylja Barsa and the Belgians of Antwerp Players.
But the first commitment will be the one provided for the last championship day, next Saturday in Padova, where it would be a pity to suspend the series of victories that led the team of Daniele Riva to the second place.
Then, Saturday 7th February, it will be the turn of the All Star Game that,one year after the memorable edition of 2014 in Pala Whirlpool, will occur in Matera and will see on the field even 5 players of Cimberio: Nicola Damiano, Jacopo Geninazzi and Francesco Roncari will wear the blue national jersey, the Swedish Joakim Blomquist and Joakim Lindblom will line up with the team of the best foreign players of our championship.
Waiting for the playoff, starting on 14th February as mentioned earlier, Cimberio will play two exhibition games with UnipolSai Briantea 84 Cantù. We will play Tuesday 3rd February in Seveso and Thursday 19th February in Pala Whirlpool.