
den 11 juli 2014

Cimberio plays basket in Kenia

Cimberio is also in Kenya and more precisely in Mathare, shanty town in the suburbs of Nairobi. It is the place selected by the creators of the SLUMS DUNK project : Bruno Cerella new Italian champion with Olimpia Milano, Tommaso Marino his teammate in Teramo’s era and presently Play in Blu Basket 1971 of Treviglio and Giuseppe di Paolo current assistant coach of Chieti. And to close the staff of this year Federico Cappelli, journalist and director of MSB-TV and Simone Raso, photographer of Pallacanestro Varese. Basket men, of the basket we like, without borders and devoid of prejudices about the sweater’s colour. Pallacanestro Cimberio Varese wanted to make his contribution sending technical material (sweaters and shorts to play), confirming in this way its attention toward charity projects. Through the basket, the SLUM DUNK project aspires to improve the life conditions of children and youngs who live in areas deprived economically and socially. Mabathini community, in the slum of Mathare in Kenya, was chosen as project area of action. Is estimated that in Mathare live 95.000 persons in an area that covers 1,5 Km2, 50% of the population is composed by youngs who are less than 18 years old who reside in seclusion, with limited access to prime services such as water, electricity and sanitation. Basket was chosen as instrument to convey and promote the primary education.